Hi, I’m Sam.

I help people write wedding vows, corporate speeches, birthday toasts, eulogies, and everything in between. My hope is to relieve some of the pressure that goes into delivering an important speech, and selfishly, to do something I love. I can’t wait to work with you!


Draft Refinement

You have a first draft written, but you are looking for someone to refine the flow and add points of emphasis.

Draft Development

You have a basic outline of your speech started, but you need help putting it into words.


You have no idea where to even begin. You have 1,000 thoughts in your head but no clue how to organize them into a well-written speech.

  • "Working with Samantha was a game-changer; she effortlessly collected my ideas into a cohesive, engaging speech, adding humor and professionalism with a human touch...that no AI bot could produce. She was quick, easy to work with, alleviating my stress and anxiety, ensuring I could fully focus on the event I was running. Thanks to Sam, I stepped onto the stage with ease."

    - Molly, VP of People and Talent at Avicado Construction Technology

  • "After weeks of procrastination and struggling with too many thoughts, I reached out to Sam for help. She quickly organized my main points in a logical flow, cut down on the rambling and helped draft a much more concise speech I felt confident in delivering. She was flexible and extremely gracious with her coaching. Couldn’t have pulled it off without her!"

    - Gus, Father of the Bride

  • When I was asked to officiate my friend’s wedding, I was terrified. I brainstormed some basic ideas but felt so stuck. I had never done this before! Then I leaned on Sam and just from our initial consultation, she single-handedly broke through my writer’s block! Sam took my simple bullet points and helped create a story full of sentiment, heart, and wit. Our follow-up meeting to finalize the speech was leaps and bounds what it would have been without Sam’s help! Sam helped me with everything; from the bigger picture tips on what anecdotes to include down to the details on the best word choice and even helped with preparing the appropriate delivery of the speech. Working with Sam gave me the confidence to officiate the wedding to the best of my ability, and I have her to thank for making it turn into beautiful wedding ceremony and a memory we will have forever!”

    - Brittany, Officiant

  • "I came to Sam with a draft of my speech and through meetings with her and swapping back and forth of various versions, we were able to fine-tune it, making it wedding-day ready. Sam was extremely helpful in ensuring the speech flowed well, figuring out the best cadence for each story, and talking through what I was trying to convey in order to make the speech as clear and meaningful as possible. Loved working with her in order to go into my sister's special day with the confidence that I was saying everything I wanted to in the best way possible!"

    - Lauren, Maid of Honor

Let’s Chat

I would love the opportunity to hear more about your upcoming speech or copywriting need. Even if you’re not sure what kind of help you need, that’s OK. Let’s chat through it!